Bestseller Bouquet

Bestseller Bouquet


Our Bestselling Bouquet! Just for your special someone, our Bloomex designers have gathered the freshest flowers available. Included in this special bouquet are plump red roses, white Asiatic Lilies, miniature red Carnations and white chrysanthemum spray daises

To allow these beautiful flowers to last much longer, they are delivered fresh, budding and ready to bloom. Greeting cards for your personal message to that special someone in your life are available during check out.

Availability: 9 in stock


Beautiful Bouquet for your Loved ones

size chest(in.) waist(in.) hips(in.)
XS 34-36 27-29 34.5-36.5
S 36-38 29-31 36.5-38.5
M 38-40 31-33 38.5-40.5
L 40-42 33-36 40.5-43.5
XL 42-45 36-40 43.5-47.5
XXL 45-48 40-44 47.5-51.5

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Black, Blue, Red


Extra Large, Large, Medium, Small


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